Saturday, April 21, 2007

Considering Shawls

Amanda just posted a webpage showing many of the shawls she has knit and I have to say I'm pretty tempted to jump in to her Shawl Knit Along myself! Two summers ago before heading out on the Great Western Adventure (1 family; 5 national parks; only one can of flying rootbeer) someone commonly referred to as the Free Range Enabler, convinced me it would be a good idea to take a skein of Helen's Lace to start a Pi Shawl. I never really got past Emily Ocker's cast on and that little skein has been in a Ziplock bag with The Knitter's Alamanac ever since.

Last summer when we went on our Great Lakes Sojourn (1 family; 2 Great Lakes; only one day locked out of our camper's bathroom) I took the ball of Helen's Lace again. This time I also threw in the book One Skein because it has a cute little tank top that uses "one skein" of Helen's Lace, held doubled. I didn't even think about casting on for that one, but I enjoyed knowing it was there in case I needed it.

So here we are again--summer; no really big trips planned this time. But still the ball of Helen's Lace awaits. Is it time to think about that Pi Shawl again?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

YES!!! It's definitely time to think about the shawl. I'm more than happy to show you (or even just do for you) the Emily Ocker's Cast On. (I know it seems fiddly, but it's really worth it.)

Just think about how much you'd love to have a Pi Shawl...and when you aren't wearing it, it will look lovely draped over the back of your sofa or chair. :)