Thursday, May 8, 2008

Out of the Slump

In the last two weeks, I've hired an assistant, trained her and interviewed 17 candidates for my camp counselor positions. By the time I get home, I'm exhausted and crabby from having to be so friendly all day. I go home each night thinking, "I just need to put a good movie in and knit until I can't stay awake anymore." Then I sit and my arms feel so heavy I just can't's a bad feeling.

On Saturday night, I managed to pull the basket of sock knitting from the end table to my lap. I even frogged a couple of first socks, just to get them out of the UFO files. I also found a lot of first socks that had no mates...
And on Sunday, I had enough energy to cast on mates for all of them...

That's a better feeling...


Amanda said...

Wow! That's a lot of socks-in-progress!! Good for you!!! :)

Elizabeth said...

That looks like a great way to get over a slump! I never thought about casting on for ALL my 2nd socks at once! (Even though I guess I did think about casting on all of the 1st socks at once...)